I remember being too shy as a kid to go out in front of people. My parents wanted to sign me up for sports teams in soccer and baseball but it wasn't until my younger brother went out there that I gave it a try. My earliest memories were that I had fun playing soccer but not so much baseball. At minimum I enjoyed the nachos at the concession stand. They hand-cut and deep fried their own chips and they were delicious. It just wasn't my sport. I tried out and because I could run fast on the bases and I could throw relatively straight, I made it to Minor A. I didn't belong there to say the least. I was uncomfortable and awkward.

Although in soccer, I enjoyed playing and practicing. It came natural. I played a few seasons of soccer in the Fall and Baseball in the Spring until I was asked to be on the Spring Select team/Allstar team and gave up baseball forever+10 years. By playing/practicing soccer year round, it was no surprise I got better. I look back though and I was coached by dads that volunteered. Most did not play or even know how to kick a ball but they enjoyed the game and had the willingness and patience to work with kids. I respected that. I respected more though being taught the skills by a few coaches that knew something about the sport.
But even then for the first few years of being introduced to soccer, the only goals my coaches taught me about was when I kicked the ball to the back of the net. There wasn't a clear message of what I could do to get better. I took it upon myself to kick the ball against the wall and teach myself tricks. This was pre-Internet don't forget.
Let me get to my point now. We came up with an appropriate hashtag that truly represents the Kids Martial Arts program at Versus Fitness. #IwantToBeaVersusKid The children come into an environment that is friendly and safe. We work hard to keep it that way, teaching the kids responsibility, empathy towards their teammates, humility, discipline, hard work and most of all GOAL SETTING.
The program is broken down currently into 4 different levels, two of which the kids must earn their way into and be invited. They are given clear instructions on what they are learning, what is expected

Kids Martial Arts in Los Angeles and San Gabriel Valley
of them, proper mat etiquette, proper hygiene, motivation and encouragement. These are items I would have responded to as a kid, hence the hashtag. The Versus kids have a lot of fun together, they form close friendships and bonds working so close to each other. It is my hope that these friendships blossom over the years to come and they carry these teammates on until adulthood. I know it's possible because one of my closest friends I met on the soccer field when I was eight. I'm happy to say now his children grace the black mats at Versus Fitness.
Goal setting is important to talk to with the kids. I explain to them about short-term and long-term goals and encourage them to continue even when they are faced with difficulty. I mean that is what we want for the kids, right? To be able to overcome obstacles that arise in their lives as they grow up? What really helps is that they know their teammates are right there with them setting goals, reaching them and setting new goals. They are around like-minded individuals. The result is increased confidence. They believe in themselves and in their ability to take on difficult tasks, solve them and move on towards larger and more difficult tasks.
This mental toughness they develop going through our Kids Martial Arts program at Versus will provide them the skills and tools to become strong productive individuals. I'm not the only one that wishes I was a Versus Kid. I have overheard parents saying the same thing.
If you are a parent reading this and have no idea how to get started then let us help. We start with Free classes for Kids so they can come and be apart of our program and get a feel for how classes work. You as a parent will also get to see exactly what they will be apart of. Our friendly staff will answer any questions you have and we go from there. It's that easy.
So come on down to Versus Fitness and Visit. It will be the best decision you make and your child will thank you!